A warm welcome

To me, languages are basically an interesting and spirited cultural treasure, with which one can establish ties as far as both private and job-related aspects are concerned.

Therefore, I have set myself the target to provide reliable translations in order to make economic and personal cooperation easier.

My occupational self-employment underlines my flexibility regarding your requests.

Letters and words are like rocks; they may not be bent; however, they may always be recomposed to form a new stone mosaic, the complexity of language, & these languages in their most different variants are highly spirited cultural treasure; they arouse the curiosity for other countries & cultures and may enrich tremendously...

Professional translations in written form in English, Italian, French, and German (occasionally Modern Greek)

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cost estimate



Mag. Nicole Joham B.Ed.
Kremerfeld 5c   |   A-6241 Radfeld
43 664 7502 5224
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